The Warriors of the Prophets website is split into many different sections. This page is to tell you what they are all about.


The Main Website Deals with News and Anything important to actual members of the Clan.

Home - The Clans main homepage. It contains the latest news about the goings on of the clan with all the news of the current month. It is usually updated once or twice a week.

Clan - Contains information important to Clan Members. Shows what Clan Honors are attainable and how to get them. Contains information about the clan, such as its origins. Also contains the large media section where Clan Members submit artwork, fan fiction and videos about the Clan, such as Elite pictures.

Communication - Links to the Clan Forums and Chat Rooms. Areas of the site where members can submit stuff and converse with their Warriors of the Prophets friends. Its the Clans Community pages.

Battalion - The three Battalions of the Clan. Contains listings of all members, their ranks and contact details. Shows the structure of the Clan. Contains links to Events where members can see what is coming up and what important things have gone by.

Info - See the Rules of the Clan which must be followed at all times, The FAQ section which should answer any questions that you have, the Search Engine which should further help with Navigation and finally this page, the Layout of the Warriors of the Prophets Clan. 

Join - Anyone who wishes to join the clan should read this page and answer all the questions, sending them on an E-Mail to the Special Operations Commander at 

Links - Links to other Halo Clans, Halo Websites, other Websites and acknowledging my sources and dealing with copyrights etc. 


The Battlenet Pages are a massive information database dealing with everything to do with Halo, they can be enjoyed by anyone. As a twist, everything is written in a Covenant point of view yet still informative.

Covenant - Covenant Data including: Races, Weapons, Vehicles, Star Ships, Equipment, Sounds, and much much more! 

Human - Human Data including: History, Organization, Military Structure, Weapons, Vehicles, Star Ships, Sounds, The Spartans and much more! 

Forerunner - Forerunner Data including: The Halo Rings, Ancient Symbols, Technology, Artifacts, Sounds and other secrets.

Flood - Flood Data includes information on all known Flood Forms, their methods and activities as well as Flood Sounds.

Other - This section includes information about the actual Halo Games and Books. The Story of Halo as well as anything not covered in the other sections.